Tripling the Inventory & Pricing it Right

I did not realize how many pots I put away "for later" over the last 15 or so years (half my pottery working life) until I brought them into the light and began wiping them down and putting them on the gallery shelves. Much to my surprise, I believe I've tripled my inventory. 

That is the main reason I've been neglecting my blog these last weeks (except for writing about this year's Passover pottery, which I'm pretty excited about). Who can blog when there is so much to sort and dust, to photograph, measure, weigh and describe, to figure price and put on the website, and price-sticker and put on the gallery shelves? It's been a tiring, time intensive but really interesting journey of rediscovery.

Some are styles I do not do currently. But they have me thinking that I have to do that again, whatever "that" is. Like, for instance, the interior of this cereal bowl- that was a cool effect.

These little personal cream & sugar sets... liking the slipwork I did on them. Have to do more of this sort of decoration on other types of pots.

My "walking jars" (below) were very interesting. Might do more, different but recalling certain elements, like those walky feet.

There are good glazes I hadn't gotten to work for me with my current clay, that were nice on previous clays; like this rusty red (below). (Although I think I may have solved that just lately and will use this glaze again...)

Another example- this black, which has never been this black again on my vessels since I changed from dark clay to light. (I keep working on it, though, testing glazes.)

Don't know why I didn't wake up and see that I had some buried treasure. Anyway, most of the buried treasure is now on sale at ridiculously good prices. The gallery is too stuffed, and besides, I'm rarin' to make new work. You are welcome to browse the web pages here and visit the Gallery Downstairs (here on Windsor Way in Hillside, NJ) and see what I mean. The new "Sale!" web page and the same pots in my physical gallery should stay up a while, but I priced these things to go quickly. I'm putting up more of these pots several days a week. On to your new homes, kids! Mama's got lots of new work to make. 

Posted on March 10, 2015 .